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Spotlight on Moms – Keely

May 16, 2014 0 Comments

Your Name: Keely ReesKeely and kids

How many kids do you have and how old are they? two; 8 year old Harper & 11 year old Gavin

Do they have a favorite exercise to do with you? Hike, run, yoga

Do they have any favorite healthy foods? ‘green drink; stir fry; smoothie bowls; homemade pizzas-they are super eaters!

Do you have any tricks to get your kids to eat healthier foods or make healthier choices? They are a part of the shopping/picking out vegetables, fruits, proteins and they also help cook—so they ‘buy into’ the whole concept of caring for their bodies. We make a lot of green drinks and smoothies together, soups, crazy taco bars, and stir fry—if they shop for it, chop it they eat it. We have a CSA share and so they also know a lot about where their food is grown. They also help determine the weekly/seasonal menus—they also have been taught to read labels and learn about better food options. They are still kids and love good ‘treats’ and special occasion foods!

As you have learned more about health and wellness, what goals do you have for your family and children? To keep learning new recipes, trying new combinations of foods, to not get bored with our cooking routines, and to continue to teach them how to shop and prep good foods.

What obstacles have you overcome as a mother to maintain your health and wellness? I have learned to put my own oxygen mask on first—or I am no good to them as a mother. That means exercise, food prep for my own work day, and sleep.

How and why has being a member at Eupraxia impacted your roll as a mother and/or wife? They have grown up with a mother who has always prioritized exercise and healthy foods and they see that hard work in the gym keeps me mental and physically well. I love the community at Eupraxia and just going through something together (a hard leg day or stations) makes you connected with something outside of yourself—and it feels great—and I come home ready to tackle any challenge or to hit the day feeling charged.

Dr. Steve says to have a purpose for staying healthy. How do you make your children a part of this purpose? They are the biggest purpose—I want to model to them how eating well and exercise is fun, it is a habit just like brushing their teeth and is just a part of each day. I want to live a long, health-full life. Quality over quantity and that so much of disease is preventable.

How have you passed on what you have learned at Eupraxia to your children? You bet! We do roadside ‘deck of cards’ on trips; many ‘snow’ days this winter included our own stations at home; and they are super curious about why their mom (and dad) can hold a plank for so long.

What advice do you have for moms just starting their journey? Just go for it. It is the best step out the door you will take. Taking the time for yourself is key—you come back home feeling so empowered.

Anything else you would like to share? LOVE Eupraxia trainers—all are so motivating, encouraging and the whole community makes it a great place to start or end your day. The music is super invigorating and the time flies!

Filed in: Member Spotlight

About the Author:

At Eupraxia we not only teach the best way to exercise, we also teach our members about nutrition and food. Our goal is to help people take control of their own health!

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