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“I started out at Eupraxia because a roommate of mine was a trainer there when I started college at UWL. I had always done team sports in high school and the group class environment had me feeling right at home. It wasn’t long before I became a trainer myself and ended up doing my internship at Eupraxia before graduating. I got my degree from UWL in Exercise Sports Science with a Fitness emphasis and a Nutrition minor. I’d be lying though if I said I didn’t actually learn more from Steve and my experience at Eupraxia than my years in school. I love Eupraxia and everything they teach so I ended up opening my own location in Grafton! We’re going strong and I love the community that we have at the gym. Eupraxia just seems to attract the best kinds of people. I love what I do and love the people I get to see every day.”