Your Trainer’s Top “Go-To” Snacks

So often we get asked- what are some good snack ideas? When you switch over to eating like we teach you to eat, you have a rethink snacks and realize it’s just a smaller version of your meals. You need to get away from the chips, crackers, pretzels, cookies, and granola bars mentality for snacks. […]
What Your Trainers Eat for Breakfast

I’m pretty sure I could eat just about the same thing day after day for breakfast but I know not everyone is in that same boat! I personally eat 3 eggs and some kind of veggies almost everyday…maybe some bacon added in there on the weekends 🙂 I usually just take whatever veggies I have […]
I Confess: I Quit School Before Becoming a Registered Dietitian

I want to start out this post by making it clear that I am not by any means bashing or downplaying Registered Dietitians. There are many good ones out there doing good work. However, I want to simply share my journey, my experience, and share with you why I didn’t take that route. I started […]
What do muscles, food and your brain have in common?

This graphic was sent to me by a member who said it just really spoke to her about some things she has learned at Eupraxia. Then it stuck with me here too this morning. Not because I am advocating for the occasional donut…we all have our things, right? 😉But because we are in the […]
My Top 8 on the Go Snacks

Planning ahead is the key to dietary success. Yet, life happens. Sometimes, we have to grab a quick bite. Here are some of my favorite go to snacks. Banana with Pecans, Almonds, or Brazil Nuts – I literally just put a raw nut on top of the banana for each bite. A banana with pecans tastes […]
Why Fit Bits and Calorie Counting Are a Bad Idea

I want to explain to you why the calories listed on a label and the calories you burn during a workout are often very misleading. The calories within a meal are not the same as the calories your body utilizes or digests. Processed foods are already “pre-digested” or partially broken down. Lets say you eat 500 […]
Simple Shifts Towards Healthier Eating

There are so many factors at play when it comes to saying no to that doughnut or sandwich; and let’s face it…some of these “foods” are downright addicting. The good news is that you can approach things at your own pace, set personal goals and make simple shifts along the way; all of which will drastically improve your […]
Coffee Enrich

Like most people, I love my morning cup of coffee. I love it even more when there is some great flavor added to it. The problem is, just about every coffee sweetener is terribly unhealthy. You have trans-fat filled creamers, lots of added sugars, and/or artificial sweeteners. Those are three things you should always […]
The attempted world domination of Chicken and Broccoli

“But I just get so tired of chicken and broccoli…” If I had a dollar for every time I have heard this over the years, I would be able to retire, buy my own island and raise my own chickens and have my own broccoli farm. All jokes aside, this is an honest statement; and […]
Vitamin D – Why, How Much, and What Kind is the Best.

What if there was a supplement that was only $3 per month and has been shown to: Improve Immune System Function (You get sick less) Improve Muscle Function Improve Cardiovascular Function (for a healthy heart and circulation) Improve Respiratory System Function (for healthy lungs and airways) Improve Brain Development Have Anti-Cancer Effects Would you take […]