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You won’t find another gym that cares more and is willing to tell you the flat out truth

January 9, 2017 0 Comments

Amelia B&ALove doesn’t even come close to the feelings I have about Eupraxia. In a nutshell I have to say that it is the most well thought-out, well researched, and evidence based fitness program that I have ever come across. When you apply what Dr. Steve Czys teaches about nutrition, and how to effectively workout, you will find that it works! Like he says every single time. I have been a extreme advocate of group fitness for the last 15 years of my life, I had some pieces of the puzzle as far as nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. But I did not have the full picture, which Eupraxia helped me to see.

I must admit that I’ve known Steve for a very long time. He has always been this super fit guy. So when he invited me to join his gym I was highly critical of joining, or even visiting, because I thought for sure it was going to be this gym with all these huge beefy guys. WOW was I wrong! I couldn’t believe how very patient Steve was in helping people achieve the best health they possibly could. He is so giving of his time, this is just not a successful business for him. He loves this stuff, he believes in it, he is helping others make healthy lifestyle choices and he doesn’t just preach but he does it himself. I have grown to respect him so much as a person that I have actually gotten to know through Eupraxia! You won’t find another gym that cares more and is willing to tell you the flat out truth….no matter how hard it is to apply do it and you will be successful. I am going on my 4th year and I will never stop! My family and I have gained so much!

~Amelia Nelson

Filed in: Results

About the Author:

At Eupraxia we not only teach the best way to exercise, we also teach our members about nutrition and food. Our goal is to help people take control of their own health!

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