Spotlight on Dads – Rick
How many kids do you have and how old are they?
1, 13 year old son
Do they have a favorite exercise to do with you?
Any activity we can do outside that involves nature. Hunting, Biking, Fishing etc..
Do they have any favorite healthy foods?
From a young age our son has been great on eating most all vegetables. As long as we don’t add to many spices to our meals, he is good.
How about a favorite treat or “cheat” to enjoy together?
Ice Cream!
Do you have any tips to get your kids to eat healthier foods or make healthier choices?
Just keep trying to expose kids to healthy eating habits and lead by example. It’s amazing how our kids pick up our good and bad habits.
If you could only do 1 exercise for a quick workout what would it be and why?
There are very few things in life I enjoy less than running. I’d rather do burpees than run. So as much as it pains me to admit this, if could only do 1 exercise it would be burpees.
Have you always been active or had active hobbies? Tell us about them! If not, have your activities changed?
In my younger years I got all the exercise required by physical labor. As my lifestyle changed from “blue” to “white” collar work, I never changed my eating habits and didn’t add routine exercise to my lifestyle until recently. Eupraxia has helped provide a structure to successfully accomplish that.
How you feel living a healthy lifestyle makes you a better dad?
Lead by example. I am often humbled by the impact we have on our children. They are amazing gifts who are constantly watching our every action, learning and emulating our behaviors. Both good and bad! This is just one thing that hopefully helps build that fire and drive we all want to see in our kids to be the best person they can be.
Has Eupraxia changed any goals you have for your family and children?
Eupraxia hasn’t change any goals. It has however provided a mechanism to achieve some of our goals as it relates to healthy living and provides that opportunity to demonstrate our inner drive and ambition.
What advice do you have for the dads out there who are struggling to get into shape?
Keep on keeping on. Try different things and involve the whole family in the effort. Our spouse and kids are the greatest support network that exists.
Anything else you would like to share?
Kids grow so fast, every moment is a treasure and an opportunity that can never be repeated.