Trick or Treat?

Halloween really feels to me like the kickoff to the holiday season. Let’s get right to the point and call it what it really is: The Holiday Season of All Things Sweet and Tempting. There is good news; you can still be healthy and enjoy some holiday treats. There are many things I have learned […]
On “Cheating”

I ate a cookie yesterday. A big one. I ate the whole thing. In one sitting. I was grocery shopping and when I passed the amazing thumbprint cookies in the bakery at the Co-op and I decided I wanted a treat. It was delicious and, for the most part, worth every bite. I felt a little sluggish […]
Change Your Internal Dialogue

“Have you missed a few workouts, made some poor food choices, went back to your old habits? It’s OK, almost everyone has lapses in motivation from time to time. Now is a great time to get back on track. Remember your cause, your highest value, what is most important to you. Is it your kids, […]
Motivation – Get Some!

We all know WHY we should workout; the obvious being to get and stay healthy, to look good and to burn fat. Let’s face it – there are some days when the couch looks much more appealing than your gym clothes. Staying motivated to workout involves so much more than willpower. There are many different […]