The only regret that I have is I wish I would have started sooner

The impact Eupraxia has had on my life is almost indescribable. They have sparked my love for fitness/physical activity that has led me to do things that I never imagined and to challenge myself in new ways everyday! I used to be very sedentary, but I’ve done 2 warrior runs now and couldn’t believe […]
Eat, Drink and be Healthy

I felt compelled to write some holiday motivation/advice, as I have seen a drastic drop off of people submitting food logs over the last month, as well as a bit of a drop in class attendance. This is NOT meant to make anyone feel guilty! Because I am also writing this for myself. I am not […]
Looking back it would have been so easy to give up, thankfully I didn’t.

After I had my second child, I was at the highest weight I’d ever been and, while I loved being a mom to my wonderful boys, I had never been unhappier with myself or the way that I looked. I knew I needed to do something not only for myself, but also for my family. […]
It definitely is HARD work, but being out of shape, and unhealthy is hard too!

I joined Eupraxia six months ago [from when I wrote this], and it has been an absolute life change for me! I can’t believe how far I’ve come in the six months and how strong I’ve gotten! I have always been pretty mindful about trying to eat healthy, but the working out aspect was definitely […]
Coffee Enrich

Like most people, I love my morning cup of coffee. I love it even more when there is some great flavor added to it. The problem is, just about every coffee sweetener is terribly unhealthy. You have trans-fat filled creamers, lots of added sugars, and/or artificial sweeteners. Those are three things you should always […]
The attempted world domination of Chicken and Broccoli

“But I just get so tired of chicken and broccoli…” If I had a dollar for every time I have heard this over the years, I would be able to retire, buy my own island and raise my own chickens and have my own broccoli farm. All jokes aside, this is an honest statement; and […]
The Tools I Use To Stay Motivated

Motivation is the exact same for every person, and different for every person. Let me explain. Every person has things that are most important to them in their lives. When I was younger, I’ll be honest, everything was about me. I wanted to win at everything, I hated losing, I was in all sorts of […]
When I met Steve, I said to him, “I really don’t want to do this…I will be quitting after 8 weeks!”

Three years ago my grandkids and I were playing at the park and they wanted me to slide down the slide after them. So I did, or tried. I was stuck in the slide and had to pull myself forward to get to the bottom. That was my wake up call to start doing […]
Vitamin D – Why, How Much, and What Kind is the Best.

What if there was a supplement that was only $3 per month and has been shown to: Improve Immune System Function (You get sick less) Improve Muscle Function Improve Cardiovascular Function (for a healthy heart and circulation) Improve Respiratory System Function (for healthy lungs and airways) Improve Brain Development Have Anti-Cancer Effects Would you take […]
Before, After, AFTER Pics…Maintaining Your Gains

The photos above can tell quite a story alone! The first one is me at my heaviest (around 180 lbs) in 2009. The second one shows the end of my first 6 months with Eupraxia in summer of 2012. The end one was just taken this January (2016). Most of you should know my story by now. If you […]